Directory of members’ benefits

Please support our partner businesses and take advantage of the discounts but report any difficulty you have redeeming the discounts.

The Three Kings

Fornham St Martin

Offer agreed by Chris Lee (Owner)

10% discount off the final bill (food and drink) on production of a valid membership card and subject to availability and the following terms and conditions:

  • A booking must be made in advance, mentioning your membership of the West Suffolk Fine Wine Society and giving your membership number.
  • At least two courses of food from the restaurant’s main or classics menu must be ordered.
  • The offer will not be available on special days such as Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Easter Sunday etc. Please check availability if in doubt.
  • There may occasionally be other special offers/events available to members (information will be in the monthly newsletter)
  • The offer will apply to all members in a group as long as at least one diner is a WSFWS member.

Fornham St Martin, Hengrave Rd, Fornham All Saints, Bury St Edmunds IP28 6LA. Tel: 01284 658866


Bury St Edmunds

10% off any purchase on production of a valid membership card. Offer agreed by Tom Crittenden (Manager)

The Wine Cellar

Bury St Edmunds

10% off any purchase on production of a valid membership card. Offer agreed by Bradley Dorrington (Owner)

Angel Hotel

Bury St Edmunds

20% off any bottle of wine when purchased with at least two courses from the à la carte menu. Offer agreed by Ines Pastoriza (Front of House Manager)

Corney and Barrow

1 Rous Road, Newmarket CB8 8DH

10% of almost all wines on production of a valid WSFWS membership card. Offer agreed by Rob Gow, Regional Sales Executive